How to connect Checkout Champ/Konnective to Disputifier

How to integrate Disputifier & Checkout Champ
Written by Mark From Disputifier
Updated 5 months ago

Step 1: Click Admin

Step 2: Click Users

Step 3: Click "+" Button

Step 4: Insert random numbers in the username section

Step 5: Insert "" in the email section

Step 6: Ensure access level is set to admin

Step 7: Check "Select All"

Step 8: Set a password. Again, you can just use random numbers here

Step 9: Click "Update"

Note: Please ensure 2 factor authentication is disabled.

You're done! Please reach out to inform us that you've activated Checkout Champ. When reaching out, please provide the username and password you inputted in our user account. 


Note: If you do not provide full permissions, you will need to create a second user that is used exclusively for our API calls.

User details:


[insert anything and send it to us]


[insert anything and send it to us]


Access Level:

API User

Whitelisted IPs:

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